Matthias Pätzold: The "parting shot" picture taken from Antalya
Matthias Pätzold: The Dogan Hotel in the Kaleici district of ancient Antalya
Matthias Pätzold: The colour of spices
Matthias Pätzold: Will she buy only one or all?
Matthias Pätzold: Amphitheatre of Termessos
Matthias Pätzold: Amphitheatre of Termessos
Matthias Pätzold: Hiking through the ruins of Termessos
Matthias Pätzold: Necropolis of Termessos
Matthias Pätzold: Rock tumb at Termessos near Antalya
Matthias Pätzold: St. Nicholas Church in ancient Myra (modern Kale or Demre)
Matthias Pätzold: Kaputas Beach near Kas
Matthias Pätzold: You should not come closer
Matthias Pätzold: The ruins of Patara
Matthias Pätzold: Amphitheatre of Patara
Matthias Pätzold: View of the reconstructed Council Chamber (Bouleuterion) at Patara
Matthias Pätzold: View from the cliffs above Patara beach
Matthias Pätzold: Patara beach - 18 km of golden sands backed by the dunes and the Taurus mountains
Matthias Pätzold: The stunning Patara beach
Matthias Pätzold: View from the cliffs above Patara beach
Matthias Pätzold: Landscape of Pinara
Matthias Pätzold: Landscape of Pinara
Matthias Pätzold: The spectacular Taurus Mountains
Matthias Pätzold: Landscape of Pinara
Matthias Pätzold: Eye contact
Matthias Pätzold: Landscape of Pinara
Matthias Pätzold: Downhill view to the amphitheatre of Pinara
Matthias Pätzold: Rock-cut tombs at Pinara
Matthias Pätzold: The rock cut royal tombs at Pinara
Matthias Pätzold: Table mountain with hundreds of burial tombs, Pinara
Matthias Pätzold: Amphitheatre of Xanthos