doglington: They're READDDDYYYYY
doglington: Wheel 'em up to the edge of the Crush Pad
doglington: The long drop from bin to crusher/destemmer
doglington: Load 'em into the bins on the ATV
doglington: Early in the harvest as he's still smiling
doglington: Pick a Peck of Cinsault Grapes
doglington: Jump down turn around pick a peck of grapes
doglington: Ya Pick 'em Bunch by Bunch. .in the hot sun.
doglington: A Perfect Bunch
doglington: Carting Grapes Bin by Bin
doglington: The Ever Present Sulfite Solution
doglington: Cinsault Brewing
doglington: Keep Out: Grapes Fermenting
doglington: Checking Specific Gravity
doglington: Indispensable Winemaking Equipment
doglington: Oscar Contemplates Driving Himself