doglington: DSCN1333.JPG
doglington: View through the Barn
doglington: Stall doors waiting installation
doglington: stall divider
doglington: The wall behind the barn under construction
doglington: wall behind the barn under construction
doglington: the field just above the barn
doglington: The finally completed wall
doglington: Barn loft doors
doglington: DSCN1343.JPG
doglington: Pasha distressed wood
doglington: Pasha starts distressing
doglington: Chris examining the prep for the tiling
doglington: The barn loft roof taped for fireproofing
doglington: The new wood
doglington: Examining the new wood
doglington: our builder, Chris Nielson
doglington: slate top for the wine cave sink
doglington: Where the Syrah is resting
doglington: eventual house site
doglington: Eventual house site
doglington: DSCN1361.JPG
doglington: the disco floor
doglington: Close up of the disco floor
doglington: Our Disco Floor
doglington: DSCN1366.JPG
doglington: DSCN1367.JPG
doglington: Susi takes a dip
doglington: Rob at the dock
doglington: Andy floats