AmandainTtas: unsure, maybe spear-winged fly
AmandainTtas: stand of (bluish) E. caudata
AmandainTtas: Spotted pardalote
AmandainTtas: in the Olive grove!
AmandainTtas: IMG_5342
AmandainTtas: mossy ground and stunted trees on top of Herringback.
AmandainTtas: juvenile E. coccifera and E. delegatensis
AmandainTtas: view from the top of The Western Arthurs
AmandainTtas: more mountains in the SW from the top of Herringback,
AmandainTtas: the communication towers
AmandainTtas: gateman Geoff and the top of Herringback with its communication towers
AmandainTtas: Olive trees ring-barked by ? Pademelons on Herringback
AmandainTtas: Juvenile E. delegatensis leaves backlit
AmandainTtas: Scribbly gum moth larval tracks
AmandainTtas: "at home among the gumtrees"
AmandainTtas: Blattodea, cockroach
AmandainTtas: Canary Worm, Flatworm
AmandainTtas: egg sac of Steatoda
AmandainTtas: Ant - Formicidae, Genus Amblyopone
AmandainTtas: Beetle, Elateridae (click Beetle)
AmandainTtas: Beetle, Elateridae (click Beetle)
AmandainTtas: Ant - Formicidae, Genus Amblyopone
AmandainTtas: Ant - Formicidae, Genus Amblyopone
AmandainTtas: Lachnum virgineum
AmandainTtas: Daisy - Dusty daisybush
AmandainTtas: Olearia phlogopappa
AmandainTtas: Salticidae found on the top of Herringback
AmandainTtas: Panorama from the top of Herringback
AmandainTtas: Muscidae fly
AmandainTtas: Muscidae fly