AmandainTtas: orb weaving spider showing tubercles
AmandainTtas: Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia
AmandainTtas: jumping spider on rock
AmandainTtas: jumping spider on rock
AmandainTtas: ?enamel spider
AmandainTtas: jumping spider on log
AmandainTtas: jumping spider on log
AmandainTtas: jumping spider on log
AmandainTtas: Geoff taking a beetle
AmandainTtas: Red-bottomed fly on Veronica formosa
AmandainTtas: twin gums
AmandainTtas: Golden whistler
AmandainTtas: group at the pond
AmandainTtas: Spotted Marsh frog spawn
AmandainTtas: tadpoles galore
AmandainTtas: tadpole nearly frog - spotted Marsh Frog Limnodynastes tasmaniensis
AmandainTtas: Ringtail damselfly and tadpole
AmandainTtas: Spotted Marsh frog tadpoles and ringtail damselfly
AmandainTtas: IMG_3981 (2)
AmandainTtas: fly on Pomaderris
AmandainTtas: Hover fly and Pomaderris
AmandainTtas: Hover fly and Pomaderris
AmandainTtas: unknown eggs on Pomaderris possibly those of the Spined Soldier Bug Podisus maculiventris
AmandainTtas: Clerid beetle on Pomaderris
AmandainTtas: Dillwynia plants
AmandainTtas: Dillwynia plants
AmandainTtas: beetle on Crytandra amara - Bitter Cryptandra - endangered