Atrophy </3 Heart: Mizz Notez
Atrophy </3 Heart: Dunce flip
Atrophy </3 Heart: Sound asleep
Atrophy </3 Heart: Bring on the love, cause here comes the flood
Atrophy </3 Heart: My father and his mother
Atrophy </3 Heart: Beating up fags
Atrophy </3 Heart: Wrong bathroom??
Atrophy </3 Heart: Hello there friendly stranger
Atrophy </3 Heart: Not on my mind
Atrophy </3 Heart: My love <3
Atrophy </3 Heart: Sergio & Jeff
Atrophy </3 Heart: Luis Self Portrait
Atrophy </3 Heart: Jon Self Portrait
Atrophy </3 Heart: Davi Self Portrait
Atrophy </3 Heart: Juan Self Portrait
Atrophy </3 Heart: Jeff Self Portrait