atoms and bits: Washing Machine Reloaded
atoms and bits: Transmediale Session Room
atoms and bits: Bauraum @ Betahaus
atoms and bits: Upcycling Session
atoms and bits: rubbish
atoms and bits: Waschmaschinenteile
atoms and bits: Bausteln
atoms and bits: Verkleidung
atoms and bits: Magnet
atoms and bits: IMG_1530
atoms and bits: Trommel
atoms and bits: ze Hat
atoms and bits: Lavanima
atoms and bits: Upcycle your mind
atoms and bits: Design Thinking
atoms and bits: Upcyclingpläne
atoms and bits: Sammelsurium
atoms and bits: A sagen
atoms and bits: Waschmaschinenschlauchgeräusch
atoms and bits: Tweetmachine
atoms and bits: Online/Offline-Tweets
atoms and bits: Wegweiser
atoms and bits: Twitterwall! Mit Vogel, aber ohne Tweets
atoms and bits: 3D-Installation
atoms and bits: Es ist ein Opel
atoms and bits: Das beste Auto