atomjohnson: Groom designed wedding cake
atomjohnson: First dance
atomjohnson: Jess in a gorgeous dress
atomjohnson: Melissa and Lorrie blowing bubbles
atomjohnson: Kristen and Melissa at reception
atomjohnson: Tyler and Kristin bubbling
atomjohnson: Nasty birds
atomjohnson: Burt blowing bubbles
atomjohnson: Newly weds
atomjohnson: Adam steps on wedding dress....oops
atomjohnson: Rebecca newly wed
atomjohnson: Too much pepper?
atomjohnson: Melissa throws a winner
atomjohnson: Competitive Balls On A String
atomjohnson: Tyler and Lorrie react
atomjohnson: Miller and tomato juice
atomjohnson: 1980s Trapper Keeper
atomjohnson: Delicious
atomjohnson: Gary, Jess and I
atomjohnson: Burt crackin' up
atomjohnson: Uncle Dick
atomjohnson: Marlin
atomjohnson: Bonus balls
atomjohnson: Gary and Burt
atomjohnson: South Dakota Trailer
atomjohnson: Balls on a string at Hart Ranch
atomjohnson: The Adam room
atomjohnson: Jess and Grandma Terry
atomjohnson: Grandma Terry and Aunt Sandy