atomjohnson: Last bit of sun on Copper Mountain
atomjohnson: Jimmy shows the icicle who is boss
atomjohnson: Dad gets his rentals
atomjohnson: Brothers on the divide
atomjohnson: My Brother's Bar burger
atomjohnson: A gorgeous Bloody Mary at My Brother's Bar, Denver
atomjohnson: Dad and Jimmy arrive at aiport
atomjohnson: Dad and I in the snowy downpour
atomjohnson: Russ and Jimmy
atomjohnson: Snowstorm
atomjohnson: Dad and Jimmy on the ridge
atomjohnson: Dad and Jimmy heading toward the ridge
atomjohnson: Russ, Dad and Jimmy prepare to hit the slopes
atomjohnson: Jimmy and Dad tubin'
atomjohnson: No cigars in the hottub
atomjohnson: Best way to keep cheap beer cold
atomjohnson: Dad adjusts his boots at lunch
atomjohnson: Afternoon clouds on the mountain
atomjohnson: Russ gets up as Jimmy looks on
atomjohnson: Buckhead Ski Club
atomjohnson: Dad stylin'
atomjohnson: Apres Ski
atomjohnson: The snowboarders surive the day
atomjohnson: Jess takin' a rest from the torture
atomjohnson: Jess getting into the Ski School quick line
atomjohnson: Ankle biter on bunny hill conveyor
atomjohnson: Jess on the practice hill conveyor