atomicshark: Eleni and Justin
atomicshark: Mommy and Eleni
atomicshark: Mommy and Eleni
atomicshark: Eleni and mommy
atomicshark: Newborn Justin
atomicshark: Newborn Eleni tagged
atomicshark: Newborn Justin prepped
atomicshark: Eleni weighed
atomicshark: Eleni poses with her new cap
atomicshark: Justin held by mommy
atomicshark: Justin cuddles (kangaroo care)
atomicshark: Justin dressed up
atomicshark: Eleni held by daddy
atomicshark: Justin and Eleni's first Christmas
atomicshark: fun time on the activity mat!
atomicshark: all smiles
atomicshark: contentment
atomicshark: sleeping beauty
atomicshark: put up yer dukes!
atomicshark: on the verge of pouty
atomicshark: funny girl!
atomicshark: happy boy!
atomicshark: where's my bottle?!
atomicshark: hanging out in the crib
atomicshark: blue eyes
atomicshark: beautiful girl after her bath
atomicshark: hello there
atomicshark: littlest met fans
atomicshark: the world in his eyes
atomicshark: happy mother's day!