atomicshark: dream of the blue turtle
atomicshark: all hail the sea turtle king
atomicshark: blueprint of a killer
atomicshark: aruba california lighthouse
atomicshark: alien lifeform
atomicshark: blue rose macro
atomicshark: blue flowers
atomicshark: orange spotted file fish
atomicshark: chrysler building at dusk
atomicshark: seagull in flight
atomicshark: blue sky church
atomicshark: blue sky church 2
atomicshark: early morning full moon
atomicshark: pink and blue sunrise
atomicshark: DSCN2531-police-copter
atomicshark: blue rose
atomicshark: green spider on car
atomicshark: blue faucet water
atomicshark: throgsneck bridge
atomicshark: nyc flood
atomicshark: central park - el dorado
atomicshark: daylight moon
atomicshark: alien insect 2
atomicshark: spex the gecko
atomicshark: droplets splash
atomicshark: shiitake mushrooms
atomicshark: blue hydrangeas
atomicshark: perfect landing
atomicshark: tiny bubbles
atomicshark: Mommy and Eleni