atom anne: Ian with the replica in the elevator
atom anne: The replica in the elevator
atom anne: Nakahashi-san coming out of the elevator
atom anne: Nakahashi-san still in the elevator
atom anne: Out comes the replica
atom anne: Miyo to the rescue
atom anne: Easy does it...
atom anne: Looking out for traffic
atom anne: Still looking out for traffic
atom anne: Loading up the truck
atom anne: Loading up the truck
atom anne: Loading up the truck
atom anne: Katsushige Nakahashi
atom anne: Propeller
atom anne: Putting in the extra bits
atom anne: Still putting in the extra bits
atom anne: More extra bits
atom anne: Curator
atom anne: Preparing the tarp cover
atom anne: Covering the replica
atom anne: All tucked in
atom anne: Watching Andrew
atom anne: Securing the tarp
atom anne: Still securing the tarp
atom anne: Andrew's gymnastics
atom anne: Camerawork staff looking down at us
atom anne: Finishing touches
atom anne: More finishing touches
atom anne: Proud