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Step 4: NYC 2009 by Alicia N
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Alicia N
You know I'll go crazy!
Alicia N
The new stadium
Alicia N
Giant Stadium, where Mexico beat the US at the one sport that really matters, other than TKD.
Alicia N
Alicia N
September 23, 2009
Alicia N
September 23, 2009
Alicia N
September 23, 2009
Alicia N
September 23, 2009
Alicia N
September 23, 2009
Alicia N
September 23, 2009
Alicia N
September 23, 2009
Alicia N
The claw, even higher up, closer and more personal
Alicia N
We were very close.
Alicia N
Alicia N
September 24, 2009
Alicia N
Not as good as Trina's, but...
Alicia N
Baby baby baby...
Alicia N
Baby baby baby, light my way!
Alicia N
So, can I keep that suit of lights?
Alicia N
My number in line ♥
Alicia N
Pretty Fish and Chips.
Alicia N
This is for ambiance
Alicia N
This is for texture
Alicia N
I love you, cupcakes.
Alicia N
So many to choose from, I swear your calorie intake goes up just looking at them
Alicia N
Why must cupcakes be so pretty?
Alicia N
Cupcake Crawl
Alicia N
I can't honestly decide which is a better cupcake picture
Alicia N
I loved you, Reese's Cupcake.
Alicia N
Pretty pretty cupcakes
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