atlnav: Clue
atlnav: AmbarBaking2
atlnav: Boxing Day 2010
atlnav: Boxing Day 2010
atlnav: Boxing Day 2010
atlnav: Christmas 2010
atlnav: Christmas 2010
atlnav: Soup for tonight
atlnav: Before lunch snacks
atlnav: The blankets and the MBP and the Red sofa = winter times
atlnav: The diet may suffer.
atlnav: "Hey Bert. I'm bored - let's do something"
atlnav: I'd probably be challenged to change the plastic wood interior in this place as well.
atlnav: Ready!
atlnav: Marinating overnight - to be cooked up tomorrow
atlnav: Whats for dinner - well actually whats for PotLuck dinner tomorrow