Atlas Pastorelli: On a cloud
Atlas Pastorelli: Cleaning the lenses of my mind's eye
Atlas Pastorelli: Awaiting a message from the sky
Atlas Pastorelli: The overwhelming attraction of Venus
Atlas Pastorelli: implosion/explosion
Atlas Pastorelli: Going to inferno
Atlas Pastorelli: New dramatic paths
Atlas Pastorelli: Tale of the spaceshipwrecked pilot
Atlas Pastorelli: omg! and larger? lol
Atlas Pastorelli: Sneakshot
Atlas Pastorelli: Portrait #N
Atlas Pastorelli: La danse des électrons
Atlas Pastorelli: 深淵のロケーションにございます。[Part 1 | Larger Size View Recommended]
Atlas Pastorelli: 深淵のロケーションにございます。[Part 2 | Larger Size View Recommended]
Atlas Pastorelli: Preparing for Summer school :(
Atlas Pastorelli: Saving Trae!
Atlas Pastorelli: Child of Cacophony
Atlas Pastorelli: Bianca Adder
Atlas Pastorelli: "Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate - and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it."
Atlas Pastorelli: Miss Mely Gibbs
Atlas Pastorelli: Doors of perception
Atlas Pastorelli: Not that cold...
Atlas Pastorelli: Temporary
Atlas Pastorelli: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Atlas Pastorelli: After the blizzard
Atlas Pastorelli: eisbrecher
Atlas Pastorelli: magus set
Atlas Pastorelli: magus set