Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
A Helping Hand...
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
The Big Guns!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
14 Platoon -Right Dress!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
14 Platoon Marches on
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
15 Platoon Marches on
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
16 Platoon Marches on
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Calling on the markers
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
The Band!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Good Evening, Sir!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Winners of Jason's Shield!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Arrival of the Reviewing Officer
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Reviewing Officer chats with cadet
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
SSgt Peel pipes during the inspection
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
17 Platoon in the March Past
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
18 Platoon in the March Past
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Parade Commander Ells leads the march past
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
CO and Rear Admiral Gardham on the dais
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Drummers in the parade
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Parade Commander Ells receives a plaque
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Plaque for parade Second-in-Command
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Plaque for parade RSM