Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: 18 Platoon at Biathlon
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Picking up Freshie!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Basic D&C cadets!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Basic Band cadets
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: "The Big Guy" on parade
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Speak Off winner!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: 2nd Place speaker
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Consider this scenario...
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Escaping the rain
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Echo platoon wraps things up
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Gotta have the gear..
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Lessons on the verandah
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Lowering the Flags
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Laughs on the water
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: We were sailing along...
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Perfect day on the water
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Practicing paddling
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Not so appetizing...
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: A little help from my friends
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Bye bye now! See you next year.
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Two thirds of the sea cadets!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Looking amazing!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: 1 Platoon at Drill Competition
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Basic Expedition abseils!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Inspecting Charlie