Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Thumbs up for Alpha!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Intake= A whole series of lines!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Let's Talk $$$$...
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Cadets on the bus
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
A Big, Bad, Bravo Welcome!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Off they go...
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
More arrivals...
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Let's do Lunch..
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
A Sea of Blue......
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Hello Ladies!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Captain Alpha?
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
A long way to travel...
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Good to see you!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Heading Back
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
"Getting Kitted"
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Silly staff cadets...
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Look waaaaayyy up...
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Welcome to Canada!