Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Break Time!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Break Time!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Job Interviews
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Say Cheese!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
New arrivals
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Drill Sergeant Major!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Practice makes Perfect!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
All Smiles!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Signing in
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Fast Friends
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Getting "Kitted"
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Quartermaster Time
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Barrack Standard
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Discussing Strategy, perhaps?
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Don't mess with The Band!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Just Missed!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
And he fumbles....
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
A quiet moment...
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Ultimate Frisbee
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Grill Masters
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
COs Briefing
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
All Together Now....
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
CO's Briefing
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Here's how it's done...
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Instructional Skills
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Alpha Staff Cadets
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Welcome to Charlie!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Welcome to Alpha!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Go Charlie!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Headquarters Staff