Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Syndicate Three- On the Move?
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
The Only Way to Travel
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Pooh Bear PT
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Walking on Sunshine
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Interview with Cadet Meade
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
oh di oh oh
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Syndicate 3 the night before the Big Trek
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
1 Syndicate saying hello
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Cadet Blake
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
2 Syndicate reaches the top of Dome Mountain
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Slip Sliding Away
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Francophone Cadets checking in!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique:
Down the first hill!