Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: A nice wet hug!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Our two first cadets to fly solo!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Smith gets in the water
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Coade gets in the water!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Arsenault goes for a swim after his first solo
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Nelson and Pauley in the river
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Nelson goes for a swim
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Happy cadets at the river
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Tapley goes solo
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Eric Brookins goes solo
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: And in the river!
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Smith going for a swim
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Spencer Kent goes swimming
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Hunter in the water
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Jahncke goes for a swim after his first solo