AtillaSoylu: old fuse box
AtillaSoylu: handwheel
AtillaSoylu: see through windows
AtillaSoylu: lights - tone mapping
AtillaSoylu: two floors - tone mapping
AtillaSoylu: ray of light
AtillaSoylu: dark life in DVB
AtillaSoylu: nature is everywhere
AtillaSoylu: lights, lights, lights...
AtillaSoylu: it used to be shinny
AtillaSoylu: the "look"
AtillaSoylu: endless pipes
AtillaSoylu: what you see when you look down
AtillaSoylu: the old machinery
AtillaSoylu: Valley under the sky
AtillaSoylu: puddle and the reflection
AtillaSoylu: a piece of light coming from the roof
AtillaSoylu: the angle
AtillaSoylu: going through the darkness
AtillaSoylu: the door opening to the living world
AtillaSoylu: tunnel
AtillaSoylu: lights and water dripping from the roof
AtillaSoylu: a chimney ?
AtillaSoylu: going to shoot early in the morning
AtillaSoylu: old DVB shot 2
AtillaSoylu: old DVB shot 1
AtillaSoylu: left over
AtillaSoylu: guilty as charged
AtillaSoylu: DSC_8693_resize
AtillaSoylu: DSC_8680-1_resize