A Thousand Splendid Dolls: My Story: 1970s Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: Video: All My 60s, 70s, & 80s Barbies May 2016
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: Video: All My 60s & 70s Barbies May 2023
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1970) Dramatic Living Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1970) Dramatic Living Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1970) Dramatic Living Barbie Outfit
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1970) The Sun Set Malibu Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1970) The Sun Set Malibu Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1970) The Sun Set Malibu Barbie Towel
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1974) The Sun Set Malibu Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1974) The Sun Set Malibu Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1974) The Sun Set Malibu Barbie Outfit
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1975) Deluxe Quick Curl Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1975) Deluxe Quick Curl Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1975) Deluxe Quick Curl Barbie Outfit
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1975) Ballerina Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1975) Ballerina Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1975) Ballerina Barbie Outfit
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1975) Malibu Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1975) Malibu Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1975) Malibu Barbie Outfit
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1975) Hawaiian Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1975) Hawaiian Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1976) SuperStar Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1976) SuperStar Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1976) SuperStar Barbie Outfit
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1977) Fashion Photo Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1977) Fashion Photo Barbie
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1977) Fashion Photo Barbie Outfits
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1978) Sun Lovin' Malibu Barbie