We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Mi manca il tuo calore...Senza riferersi a nessuno in particolare =)
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Tributo a Bryan Peterson!
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: I like to look around as I walk ....
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Tribute to Bryan Peterson!
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Macro Photography in The Kitchen
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Close-up Photography in The Kitchen
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Little point of color in The Snow
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Red Umbrella in The Snow
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Red Shoes: One of My Favourite Series . . .
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Classic Old House in The Green . . .
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Sometimes black And white . . .
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Oh, oh, Biiiiicycle . . .
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Oh, is it for me . . ? Oh, Thank you.
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: You can't park H e R e . . .
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Would you like some tea ;) ?
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: A wonderful place to live . . .
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: A Wonderful moment in a wonderful Place to live . . .
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: also this ladybug likes the Red Shoes :)
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Not High Quality, bue I really love its colors!
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Do you Need F r e e d o m? (summer vision)
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Run Babe, Run! Storm is coming!
We're Born to Loose, But We Live to Win: Colorful Umbrella in The Storm . . .