Athena's Armoury: Getting Ready
Athena's Armoury: Outling the Template
Athena's Armoury: Cut and Ready to be Sanded
Athena's Armoury: Making a Second Smaller Template
Athena's Armoury: I Love Power Tools
Athena's Armoury: Wood Display Plaques: Step One Complete
Athena's Armoury: Woodburning. . . Do Not Try This At Home
Athena's Armoury: Woodburning
Athena's Armoury: Display WIP Mosaic
Athena's Armoury: watcha think?
Athena's Armoury: macro 365/34
Athena's Armoury: They're Starting to Come Together
Athena's Armoury: First Strand is Attached
Athena's Armoury: All Strung Up
Athena's Armoury: Putting it all together