tabats: Tents lining the fields
tabats: Theres alot of people over there...
tabats: On the line
tabats: Big "O"
tabats: Cheer master
tabats: Sideline crew
tabats: Checking out the action
tabats: P-Rock
tabats: Tracy
tabats: Baked, Boiled, red, hot....
tabats: What an action shot!
tabats: P & G
tabats: The crew
tabats: Steve gets the first Potato
tabats: Coast to coast
tabats: Steve and the Potato
tabats: G-Lowe and the Tod
tabats: Catching up
tabats: Potaoes, bananas and whipped cream apparrently do go together
tabats: Making friends with the newest potato, a banana and whipped cream.
tabats: Making friends with the newest potato, a banana and whipped cream.
tabats: Making friends with the newest potato, a banana and whipped cream.
tabats: Captain
tabats: Vic contingent
tabats: More flippy cups
tabats: Flippy cups arm wrestle to start
tabats: Potato ladies
tabats: Tracy