Jacques S G: I think I farted
Jacques S G: Guard under attack
Jacques S G: Three heads better than one
Jacques S G: Listen here kid
Jacques S G: What the ..
Jacques S G: Those noisy animals again
Jacques S G: Whispering sweet nothings in your ear
Jacques S G: Can you smell it too
Jacques S G: Where is my piece of the pie?
Jacques S G: Kudu / Giraffe Haggis anyone?
Jacques S G: And here comes the cavalry
Jacques S G: Audience
Jacques S G: Just look at his belly
Jacques S G: Hmm, these Lions are keeping it All to themselves
Jacques S G: Ever so gently I'll inch closer
Jacques S G: Oh you do want a piece of this action
Jacques S G: The witch's guard dog on duty!
Jacques S G: Haunting!
Jacques S G: Where's that business card?
Jacques S G: I taste U!!!
Jacques S G: I smell U!!
Jacques S G: I C U!
Jacques S G: Guard Dog
Jacques S G: Did you bring shade
Jacques S G: Witch's steed
Jacques S G: Keeping an eye out
Jacques S G: What a mother must bear
Jacques S G: Don't bite you lil.....!
Jacques S G: Momma Hyena