Jacques S G: Ooops...she's coming
Jacques S G: A Whistle stop
Jacques S G: A Whistle stop
Jacques S G: Mom giving us the other lazy eye
Jacques S G: Mom giving us the one lazy eye
Jacques S G: Ooops...she's coming
Jacques S G: Horning in!
Jacques S G: No more tears
Jacques S G: Barman where's the drink?
Jacques S G: Is it a bird, is it a plane, no it's a White Rhino!
Jacques S G: A face that only a mother can love.
Jacques S G: Square-lipped Rhino in hiding
Jacques S G: Mama Mia, you've got a huge horn!
Jacques S G: Ceratotherium Simums / White Rhino herd?
Jacques S G: Square-lipped Rhino & Calf on an early morning drive
Jacques S G: Run of Rhinos, hmmm, standing still
Jacques S G: Only 8 of the 17
Jacques S G: Once and for all - Square-lipped Rhino
Jacques S G: Patience paid off
Jacques S G: No tank, no truck, it's a Square-lipped Rhino
Jacques S G: King size tin opener crossing the road
Jacques S G: Hoover in action
Jacques S G: And then the Rhino came
Jacques S G: Bugs galore
Jacques S G: No Ostrich burrying his head
Jacques S G: To hear you a little bit better
Jacques S G: Meet my little blue friend
Jacques S G: Square-lipped OK?
Jacques S G: Step in to my chamber...
Jacques S G: 4+ Tonnes of Vegetarian