michele cat:
break it down!
michele cat:
said the joker to the thief
michele cat:
michele cat:
dance to the music
michele cat:
michele cat:
sing out loud
michele cat:
lunchtime atop a truck
michele cat:
michele cat:
michele cat:
the big empty
michele cat:
i give you the gift of........a boat!
michele cat:
body of samuel
michele cat:
cross of crosses
michele cat:
inside trinity church
michele cat:
trinity steeple
michele cat:
of the virgin
michele cat:
wife of reverend jarvis
michele cat:
sarah wall
michele cat:
andrew barclay
michele cat:
michele cat:
in memory of sarah
michele cat:
sarah scriba
michele cat:
and i'm swingin on wall street
michele cat:
serious business.
michele cat:
things are looking up
michele cat:
My God! The Dukes are going to corner the entire frozen orange juice market!
michele cat:
yay capitalism!
michele cat:
baby it's cold outside
michele cat:
birds flying high, you know how i feel
michele cat:
science and stuff