michele cat: winner's circle
michele cat: stuffed
michele cat: i will play my game beneath the spinlight
michele cat: i'm ready
michele cat: i like trash
michele cat: hunka hunka
michele cat: embryo
michele cat: elvis gold
michele cat: dump truck
michele cat: yellow
michele cat: ringer
michele cat: orangey
michele cat: green lantern
michele cat: it's-electric
michele cat: downward-spiral
michele cat: Seeing Red
michele cat: d and b
michele cat: wilted
michele cat: round and round
michele cat: spinnin' wheel
michele cat: red light, green light
michele cat: coinage
michele cat: the hole thing
michele cat: numbers
michele cat: wheel...of....useless tickets!
michele cat: spin zone
michele cat: we care a lot
michele cat: not the belmont stakes
michele cat: catch that monkey!