micasuh: 'twas crowded
micasuh: pipes
micasuh: here's lookin' at you, pig
micasuh: original starbucks logo
micasuh: downtown seattle is obsessed with pigs
micasuh: the original starbucks
micasuh: i hope the owner really loves cows...
micasuh: i hate fish
micasuh: food is GOOD
micasuh: DSC_2204.jpg
micasuh: that place was nuts
micasuh: it was a plethora of smells and people
micasuh: more art on the wall
micasuh: it's me!
micasuh: deer on the wall
micasuh: white flower and sheep head
micasuh: don't sit here
micasuh: more art
micasuh: mission control
micasuh: sheep or pig?
micasuh: the corner room
micasuh: ghetto car
micasuh: shitbegone!
micasuh: playing with the interactive in the bathroom
micasuh: giant heads
micasuh: seattle art
micasuh: proof i was actually there
micasuh: unmarkedbills
micasuh: closeup ransom 2
micasuh: greenishbulb