aaronstrout: Thanksgiving
aaronstrout: Audrey as Dora
aaronstrout: Ben and Live Halloween style
aaronstrout: The fam with "Pat" the scarecrow
aaronstrout: Sis and bro
aaronstrout: Another of Liv and Mel
aaronstrout: Daddy and Aud
aaronstrout: Ben and Papa
aaronstrout: Family portrait
aaronstrout: The whole fam at the Salt Lick
aaronstrout: The Girls (Chris Keef take note)
aaronstrout: The kids at the pool
aaronstrout: Smiling girl
aaronstrout: The hearth
aaronstrout: Liv the cow
aaronstrout: Ben the rooster
aaronstrout: Audrey goat
aaronstrout: Snow angels
aaronstrout: The kids II
aaronstrout: More tongues out
aaronstrout: Big sis/little sis
aaronstrout: Sophia and cousin, Olivia
aaronstrout: Audrey with "Bah's" hat on
aaronstrout: Liv and Audrey practicing
aaronstrout: "Bah" and Sophia
aaronstrout: Ben giving his cousin a piggyback
aaronstrout: The "John" Strouts on the deck IV
aaronstrout: John (my bro) and his daughter, Sophia
aaronstrout: The Strout men II
aaronstrout: Peeing perhaps?