aaronstrout: Baby Sophia
aaronstrout: Audrey and Cousin Owen
aaronstrout: Headstands
aaronstrout: Johnny and Owen
aaronstrout: Owen, John and Ben
aaronstrout: Owen and John
aaronstrout: Owen and John II
aaronstrout: Looking for fish on the ice
aaronstrout: On the Ice
aaronstrout: Snow angels
aaronstrout: More snow angels
aaronstrout: The mountains
aaronstrout: Unbundling...
aaronstrout: The kids
aaronstrout: The kids II
aaronstrout: Audrey outside
aaronstrout: Big Girl
aaronstrout: Owen & Papa
aaronstrout: Johnny boy back from skiing
aaronstrout: Big girl
aaronstrout: Audrey all smiles
aaronstrout: On the pile
aaronstrout: Larrissa, Owen and baby Sophia
aaronstrout: Larrissa, inverted Sophia and an almost prone, Owen
aaronstrout: Tongue out
aaronstrout: More tongues out
aaronstrout: On the pile
aaronstrout: Chewing mitten