aaronstrout: Kate and Dave
aaronstrout: Peter Kim saying "Aaron, WTF?"
aaronstrout: Heather at @liftcafe
aaronstrout: Jackie Huba and Dave Evans looking very engaged
aaronstrout: Sara Dornsife, Kyle Flaherty, Paul May
aaronstrout: Ben McConnell looking perplexed (he's actually engaged in what Peter Kim is saying)
aaronstrout: Serious discussion amongst Jackie, Dave and Kate
aaronstrout: Awwww... Bryan. Is that a cracked iPhone?
aaronstrout: Paul May and Bryan Person
aaronstrout: Sara D looking like she's not that happy about my photo taking ;)
aaronstrout: Kate, Peter and Ben
aaronstrout: Heather Strout (my sis) and Kate Niederhoffer
aaronstrout: @kyleflaherty and I give Jim Rice the thumbs up for his HOF induction