aaronstrout: Sophia and cousin, Olivia
aaronstrout: Audrey getting ready for breakie
aaronstrout: Lily sitting in her sister's seat
aaronstrout: Uncle John and his niece, Audrey
aaronstrout: Liv is making a list and checking it twice
aaronstrout: Uncle John and Sophia
aaronstrout: Grammy and Audrey together again
aaronstrout: Uncle John reading his gift
aaronstrout: Audrey posing in her red shirt
aaronstrout: Mel and Ben
aaronstrout: Mel looking pensive in front of the tree
aaronstrout: John and Liv
aaronstrout: Larrissa
aaronstrout: Aunt Heather on the couch
aaronstrout: Ben looking at his presents
aaronstrout: Another shot of Lily
aaronstrout: Larrissa and Sophia
aaronstrout: Naked Sophia
aaronstrout: Audrey in her new, fuzzy red shirt
aaronstrout: Audrey helping to open presents
aaronstrout: Auntie, Grammy and Papa
aaronstrout: Grammy, Papa and Audrey
aaronstrout: Grammy is telling us a story
aaronstrout: Larrissa and Owen
aaronstrout: Larrissa and Baby Sophia
aaronstrout: Larrissa and Sophia one more time