aaronstrout: Barry and Aaron
aaronstrout: Scooch and Jimbo
aaronstrout: The gang at the Dandelion Green
aaronstrout: Patrick, Eric and Greg aka "Jeff"
aaronstrout: Steve telling "Mo" a good strategy joke
aaronstrout: Eve and Aaron
aaronstrout: Mark and Geoffrey
aaronstrout: Susan and Sir Isaac
aaronstrout: "Sir" Isaac "Newton" Hazard and me
aaronstrout: Shannon and Aaron
aaronstrout: Murthey
aaronstrout: Derek and Patrick
aaronstrout: Jon and "Mo"
aaronstrout: Aaron and Patrick
aaronstrout: Robin and Gwen
aaronstrout: Geoffrey and Steve-o
aaronstrout: Meredith, Derek and half of "Mo"
aaronstrout: Alexa and Barry
aaronstrout: Aaron and Alexa (I'll miss you buddy)
aaronstrout: Barry, Eve and Stephen
aaronstrout: Shannon and Eve
aaronstrout: Eve, Aaron and Mark
aaronstrout: "Migs"
aaronstrout: Stephen
aaronstrout: Shuckrietta and Shuckri
aaronstrout: Aaron and Eric doing "hook 'em horns"
aaronstrout: Susan, Erika, Robin and Gwen
aaronstrout: Jack Vinton and Rachel
aaronstrout: Mo, Aaron and Meredith
aaronstrout: Mike and Alexa - the "future" of Mzinga!