aaronstrout: Alexandra's gift for Audrey (She made it herself)
aaronstrout: Audrey's Birthday Cake
aaronstrout: Mel and the Cub II
aaronstrout: Ben & Liv
aaronstrout: Alexandra, Mary and Adrian
aaronstrout: Martha, Olivia and Mel
aaronstrout: Alexandra & Mel holding up Alexandra's Gift to Audrey
aaronstrout: Alexandra, Martha, Olivia and Mel I
aaronstrout: Video of Mel opening Auntie Caroline's beautifully wrapped package
aaronstrout: Ed, Ben and Zach
aaronstrout: Alexandra, Martha, Olivia and Mel II
aaronstrout: Liv & Mel opening Audrey's Gifts
aaronstrout: Birthday Girl!
aaronstrout: Gigi Strout and Pappa
aaronstrout: Adrian and Grand Dad
aaronstrout: Alexandra and Aunt Mary
aaronstrout: Joyce, Martha and Alexandra
aaronstrout: Ben & Zach
aaronstrout: Mommy and the Birthday Girl!
aaronstrout: Mel and the Cub
aaronstrout: Mom Mom
aaronstrout: Grand Dad & Joyce
aaronstrout: video: Audrey in the kitchen II
aaronstrout: video: Audrey and Pappa
aaronstrout: Video: Pappa and Audrey at Ben's tee ball game
aaronstrout: Video: Ben getting a hit
aaronstrout: Video: Audrey at Ben's tee ball
aaronstrout: Still thinking
aaronstrout: Nope, not done yet...
aaronstrout: I think I'm done mom!