Astroshed: Large Magellanic Cloud
Astroshed: The Eagle Nebula
Astroshed: NGC6188-SHO+HOO
Astroshed: Colourful Moon
Astroshed: NGC6357
Astroshed: Emission Nebula in Scorpius - NGC6357
Astroshed: Irregular Galaxy - The Large Magellanic Cloud - Satellite Galaxy of the Milky Way
Astroshed: Emission and Reflection Nebula - NGC6188 - in Ara
Astroshed: Planetary Nebula NGC6164-6165 in Norma
Astroshed: The Southern Cross
Astroshed: The Milky Way in Hydrogen-alpha.
Astroshed: The Witch Head Nebula in Eridanus
Astroshed: The Horsehead Nebula in Orion
Astroshed: Corona Nebula
Astroshed: NGC6726 in Corona Australis
Astroshed: Nebula in Corona Australis - 6726
Astroshed: The Dumbell Nebula
Astroshed: m20 - Sagittarian Flower
Astroshed: The Trifid Nebula in Sagittarius - Messier 20 - center crop
Astroshed: The Lagoon Nebula in Sagittarius
Astroshed: M8-nb-cooked
Astroshed: IC4685, NGC6559, IC1274 and IC1275
Astroshed: Nebula in Sagittarius - IC4685, NGC6559, IC1274 and IC1275
Astroshed: Sagittarius Nebula Trio
Astroshed: Perigee Moon Rising
Astroshed: RCW-40
Astroshed: Emission Nebula in Scorpius - IC4628
Astroshed: The Omega Nebula in Sagittarius
Astroshed: Emission Nebula NGC3576 (right) and NGC3603 (left) in Carina
Astroshed: Sirius - The Dog Star