AstroSamantha: Lunar eclipse
AstroSamantha: Hide and seek Moon
AstroSamantha: Hide and seek Moon
AstroSamantha: Hide and seek Moon
AstroSamantha: An unusual angle
AstroSamantha: Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti is seated next to "Rosie the Rocketeer"
AstroSamantha: Boeing's Starliner crew ship approaches the space station
AstroSamantha: Boeing's Starliner crew ship approaches the space station
AstroSamantha: Boeing's Starliner crew ship approaches the space station
AstroSamantha: Boeing's Starliner crew ship approaches the space station
AstroSamantha: Boeing's Starliner crew ship approaches the space station
AstroSamantha: Expedition 67 Flight Engineers check out space station systems
AstroSamantha: Expedition 67 Flight Engineers check out space station systems
AstroSamantha: Astronauts Samantha Cristoforetti and Kayla Barron
AstroSamantha: Astronauts Samantha Cristoforetti and Kayla Barron
AstroSamantha: Fellow ESA astronauts Samantha Cristoforetti and Matthias Maurer
AstroSamantha: ESA astronaut Matthias Maurer is pictured in his SpaceX flight suit
AstroSamantha: NASA astronaut Kayla Barron is pictured in her SpaceX flight suit
AstroSamantha: ESA Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti installs acrylic scratch panes on windows
AstroSamantha: The Expedition 67 crew pose together for a dinner portrait
AstroSamantha: Expedition 67 Flight Engineers Samantha Cristoforetti and Jessica Watkins
AstroSamantha: Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti monitors Astrobee robotic free-flyers
AstroSamantha: Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti monitors Astrobee robotic free-flyers
AstroSamantha: Moonrise
AstroSamantha: Moonrise
AstroSamantha: Moonrise
AstroSamantha: Moonrise
AstroSamantha: One airlock & three spacesuits
AstroSamantha: One airlock & three spacesuits
AstroSamantha: Working in the Cupola