AstroSamantha: Waiting for docking, I finally saw the sunrise from our quarantine facilities.
AstroSamantha: Amazing how close you can get.
AstroSamantha: Final goodbye.
AstroSamantha: The Soyuz-TMA13M. As ready as she'll be.
AstroSamantha: Final stretch
AstroSamantha: This launch pad was used for Gagarin's launch in 1961.
AstroSamantha: Prime crew bus entering the launch pad area.
AstroSamantha: First glance of the rocket, ready to go.
AstroSamantha: Final words with family and friends through the glass.
AstroSamantha: Alex going through the suit leak check.
AstroSamantha: Prime crew all suited up.
AstroSamantha: Alex suited up. As his watch shows, 3 hours and 4 min to launch.
AstroSamantha: Final turn onto the launch complex territory.
AstroSamantha: Police guard the route to the launch complex.
AstroSamantha: We're in Baikonur, all right.
AstroSamantha: The prime crew bus heading the suit-up.
AstroSamantha: The last meal before launch for the TMA-13M crew.
AstroSamantha: Wild horses at the river.
AstroSamantha: Afternoon of launch day.
AstroSamantha: Raising the flag of the Soyuz TMA-13M
AstroSamantha: An old console from the launch control bunker.
AstroSamantha: At the museum
AstroSamantha: With the prime crew in the assembly building.
AstroSamantha: 42 is the answer!
AstroSamantha: The "microgravity sensors", Giraffity and the mouse
AstroSamantha: Don't panic and always know where your towel is
AstroSamantha: During a break at the second fit check.
AstroSamantha: Terry during a break at second fit check.
AstroSamantha: Anton during a break at second fit check.
AstroSamantha: Inside the Soyuz TMA-15M with Anton during second fit check