AstroSamantha: In the vacuum chamber at the end of the test
AstroSamantha: Inside the vacuum chamber
AstroSamantha: The vacuum chamber
AstroSamantha: Vacuum chamber
AstroSamantha: In the vacuum chamber with Sokol pressurized.
AstroSamantha: In the vacuum chamber with Sokol unpressurized.
AstroSamantha: The test conductor post.
AstroSamantha: Some help getting strapped in
AstroSamantha: Putting on the Sokol for the vacuum chamber run.
AstroSamantha: I got a present!
AstroSamantha: Inflation tube released
AstroSamantha: Tightening the membrane around the neck
AstroSamantha: Fit check of the Neva floating device.
AstroSamantha: My custom-made Sokol suit
AstroSamantha: Putting on the suit again for some more verifications
AstroSamantha: Opening the pressure regulator to release pressure at the end of the check.
AstroSamantha: My gloves and boots set
AstroSamantha: Having some fun to kill the time
AstroSamantha: During pressurized check
AstroSamantha: Now pressurized!
AstroSamantha: Checking seat liner with the Sokol on
AstroSamantha: Determining the center of mass
AstroSamantha: During Sokol fit check
AstroSamantha: Some instruction on how to best get head through helmet ring
AstroSamantha: Putting on the Sokol suit
AstroSamantha: First check with no Sokol
AstroSamantha: Last Sokol fit check
AstroSamantha: Last Sokol fit check
AstroSamantha: Last Sokol fit check
AstroSamantha: My Sokol suit after the fit check