AstroSamantha: The cabin of the smaller Star City centrifuge
AstroSamantha: GCTC TraiThe cabin of the smaller Star City centrifugening
AstroSamantha: Smaller Star City centrifuge cabin
AstroSamantha: Smaller Star City centrifuge
AstroSamantha: In the smaller Star City centrifuge
AstroSamantha: Star City centrifuge
AstroSamantha: Manual descent simulation in the centrifuge
AstroSamantha: Visual acuity test
AstroSamantha: After the 8G run
AstroSamantha: Taking a look at the visual acuity test panel over me as the doctor explains how it will work.
AstroSamantha: The doctor shows me the button I will have to press to indicate I see a light during the field-of-view test
AstroSamantha: Instructions from the doctor.
AstroSamantha: The centrifuge
AstroSamantha: The cabin is closed - ready to spin
AstroSamantha: In position inside the capsule
AstroSamantha: Instructions from the doctor
AstroSamantha: Blood pressure cuff being put on
AstroSamantha: A little model of the centrifuge
AstroSamantha: As part of the training we only go to 8G on the ballistic profile, but this beast can do much more.
AstroSamantha: Star City’s 18-m arm centrifuge is the biggest in the world!
AstroSamantha: Besides the image, the doctor can monitor a number of vital parameters.
AstroSamantha: A bit more focused...
AstroSamantha: I’m all smiles… for the moment. Medical personnel monitors the run from a dedicated console.
AstroSamantha: Just before the hatch is closed
AstroSamantha: Sliding in the seat
AstroSamantha: Some final adjustments to the seat height.
AstroSamantha: The centrifuge can actually house two seats, but I’m spinning solo today
AstroSamantha: A little bridge gives access allows access to the centrifuge chamber
AstroSamantha: The entire seat is rolled to the centrifuge chamber.
AstroSamantha: Ready to go!