grahamxx: M31 Andromeda Galaxy
grahamxx: Iris Nebula NGC7023
grahamxx: Observatory
grahamxx: M13 Globular Cluster
grahamxx: M57 Ring Nebula
grahamxx: IC 1396 Elephant's Trunk
grahamxx: Cygnus Wall in the North America Nebula
grahamxx: IC5070 The Pelican nebula HA-RGB
grahamxx: M101 major reprocess
grahamxx: M101 Pinwheel Galaxy
grahamxx: Needle Galaxy 3/5/2014 Reprocess
grahamxx: Re-processed Owl. M97
grahamxx: Moon Mosaic 9th May 2014
grahamxx: Early evening blue sky Moon
grahamxx: NGC 3628 part of Leo triplet. 18 April 2014
grahamxx: Moon Valley Schroteri
grahamxx: Moon NorthWest Limb
grahamxx: Mars 26th April 2014
grahamxx: Mars 12th April 2014
grahamxx: M82 and SN2014J Supernova
grahamxx: The Owl. M97 4/4/2014
grahamxx: Jupiter and Callisto
grahamxx: I look like I know what I am doing !
grahamxx: Could be a hot Tub
grahamxx: I can watch workers for hours on end !
grahamxx: Finishing touches. Security latches
grahamxx: Luna has already found a comfy place
grahamxx: Ready to rock and roll
grahamxx: LUMACOMI Observatory it's called.
grahamxx: Finished at Last