Astronewb2011: CEM 60 Features
Astronewb2011: ZEQ25 meets CEM60
Astronewb2011: iOptron CEM60 Slewing
Astronewb2011: Dec Housing and serial number plate
Astronewb2011: Dual saddle, Losmandy/Vixen
Astronewb2011: Electronics ports on back of DEC housing
Astronewb2011: Latitude adjustment
Astronewb2011: Polar Scope w/cover removed
Astronewb2011: Polar scope housing
Astronewb2011: RA axis slewed over
Astronewb2011: Counterweight shaft
Astronewb2011: Side view
Astronewb2011: Azimuth lock
Astronewb2011: Latitude lock
Astronewb2011: Latitude adjusting screw
Astronewb2011: Mount serial number plate
Astronewb2011: DEC cable connected through RA housing.
Astronewb2011: iOptron CEM60 mount
Astronewb2011: Lock switch on RA axis.
Astronewb2011: Axis locking switch and labels.
Astronewb2011: Prototype case opened.
Astronewb2011: Travel Case for CEM60 (Furnished).
Astronewb2011: iOptron CEM60 rear view
Astronewb2011: iOptron CEM60 side view
Astronewb2011: IMG_6411
Astronewb2011: IMG_6409
Astronewb2011: iOptron CEM60 Ser# 1
Astronewb2011: IMG_6403
Astronewb2011: IMG_6401
Astronewb2011: IMG_6400