Astronewb2011: M31 with a Borg 125SD
Astronewb2011: IC 1805 the Heart Nebula
Astronewb2011: IC1805 the Heart Nebula redeux
Astronewb2011: Messier 33 the Triangulum Galaxy, first cut.
Astronewb2011: the Final Mission, M31 Andromeda
Astronewb2011: West Veil Nebula
Astronewb2011: M42 the Orion Nebula
Astronewb2011: Comet ISON on 20 Oct 2013
Astronewb2011: NGC 2174, the Monkey Head Nebula
Astronewb2011: IC 2118 the Witch Head Nebula
Astronewb2011: Barnard 33, the Horsehead Nebula
Astronewb2011: M81 and M82 Galaxies
Astronewb2011: Borg 125SD on ZEQ25
Astronewb2011: Borg125SDa
Astronewb2011: Borg125SDb
Astronewb2011: Borg125SDc
Astronewb2011: 30 Min Rosette (Explored)
Astronewb2011: Markarian Chain w/star color
Astronewb2011: IC5070 the Pelican Nebula
Astronewb2011: C/2014 E2_Jacques-Borg 125SD
Astronewb2011: NGC7635 the Bubble Nebula, Wide Field
Astronewb2011: IC1848 the Soul Nebula, Wide Field
Astronewb2011: Messier 45 the Pleiades Nebula
Astronewb2011: M101_041115 45 minutes unguided ZEQ25, 90 sec exp's.
Astronewb2011: Western Veil, NGC 6992