AstroJimJohn: 1. The Pleiades (M45) 2021-03-14
AstroJimJohn: 2. Salt and Pepper Cluster (M37) 2021-03-14
AstroJimJohn: 3. Starfish Cluster (M38) and NGC 1901 2021-03-14
AstroJimJohn: 4. Shoebuckle Cluster (M35) and NGC2158 - 2021-03-14
AstroJimJohn: 5. Crab Nebula (M1) 2021-03-14
AstroJimJohn: Fully Loaded TeleVue NP101is - Right Side
AstroJimJohn: Fully Loaded TeleVue NP101is - Left Side
AstroJimJohn: Annotated Dial-a-Moon 2021-03-20