AstroGuigeek: In the Heart of the Milky Way - Summer 2015 [Explored]
AstroGuigeek: High-Resolution Total Lunar Eclipse
AstroGuigeek: Supermoon fading in Earth's shadow
AstroGuigeek: The Milky Way in 8 minutes
AstroGuigeek: Milky Way and Summer Triangle - 08/16/2015
AstroGuigeek: Last night 's Waxing gibbous moon
AstroGuigeek: Great Orion Nebula [Astrophotography] / PixInsight
AstroGuigeek: Orion complex [Astrophotography]
AstroGuigeek: Venus and Pleiades Cluster under zodiacal light
AstroGuigeek: Meteor, ISS, Venus, Pleaides Cluster And Zodiacal Light
AstroGuigeek: Lunar Craters [Astrophotography]
AstroGuigeek: M45 Pleaides Cluster [Astrophotography]
AstroGuigeek: Comet Lovejoy C/2014 Q2 and Messier 79 globular cluster 29/12/2014
AstroGuigeek: Milky Way over Mountains
AstroGuigeek: Highest elevation of the ISS 's visible pass
AstroGuigeek: First Quarter Moon [Astrophotography]
AstroGuigeek: ISS and Blue Moon over Brittany (France)
AstroGuigeek: Centre of the Milky Way over Vosges Mountains
AstroGuigeek: Earth's Shadow, belt of Venus and waxing gibbous Moon [Panorama]
AstroGuigeek: First Quarter Moon [Astrophotography]
AstroGuigeek: M31 Andromeda Galaxy - First Attempt [Explored]
AstroGuigeek: Blue Supermoon Lunar Eclipse
AstroGuigeek: Total Super Moon Eclipse (Videos + Photos)
AstroGuigeek: First Quarter Moon - 15/02/2016
AstroGuigeek: Jupiter and Io [First Attempt]
AstroGuigeek: Gibbous Moon close-up [Explored]
AstroGuigeek: Cygnus Region in monochrome
AstroGuigeek: Cygnus Region
AstroGuigeek: Lovejoy C/2014 Q2 and M79 Globular cluster
AstroGuigeek: The Milky way and the summer triangle