Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: LDN1622 – Bogeyman Nebula
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: The Rosette Nebula ( NGC2237 )
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: The Rosette Nebula ( NGC2237 ) STARNET
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: IC434 - Starnetv2 Version HA-LRGB
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: IC434 STARNETv2 Ha-LRGB (Crop)
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: IC-434 Horsehead Nebula
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: IC-434 Horsehead Nebula
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: IC434 Horsehead nebula - Resolved
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M8 - ( HAlfa+RGB )
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: NGC2237-Rosette Nebula
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: NGC 2261 Hubble Nebula
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: IC5070 - The Pelican Nebula
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M16 Eagle Nebula ( Starnet2 )
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M16 Eagle Nebula ( stars )