Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy ( Crop )
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M106 - Canes Venatici II Group
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M106 - Canes Venatici II Group
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M106 - Canes Venatici II Group
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M106 - Canes Venatici II Group
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M101 Field - The Pinwheel Galaxy ( CROP )
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M101 Field - The Pinwheel Galaxy
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: NGC 5474 ( LRGB-Ha )
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: NGC5422 - HaLRGB (CROP)
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M101 The Pinwheel Galaxy
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M101(Crop original ) The Pinwheel Galaxy
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M101 Field - The Pinwheel Galaxy
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: Virgo cluster with NGC4435-NGC4438
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: Virgo cluster with NGC4435-NGC4438
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M81M82 with a field IFN
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M81M82 Luminance Field IFN
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M82 (The Cigar Galaxy)
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: M81 M82 IFN Negative
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: Leo Triplet CROP from ORIGINAL( M65-M66_NGC3628 )
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: Leo Triplet ( M65-M66-NGC3628 )
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: Leo Triplet ( M65-M66_NGC3628)
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: NGC3628 CROP from ORIGINAL
Jesús Vargas Astrophotography: NGC3628 ( A tidal tail )