Dave & telescope:
2013-04-20 14.56.56
Dave & telescope:
Imaging Equipment
Dave & telescope:
Final equipment upgrade for the Talavera Space Hut
Dave & telescope:
First operating imaging platform at Orion's Belt: Tak TOA 130 NFB, Moonlite "Nitecrawler" focuser-rotator, SBIG STXL6303E, Paramount MEII
Dave & telescope:
Inside Orion's Belt Observatory, Mayhill NM. 2 piers, 1 operating currently in the background.
Dave & telescope:
Orion's Belt Observatory, Mayhill NM. Completed in August of 2016. 16 foot square roll off structure with warm room. The observatory can be operated remotely.
Dave & telescope:
Observatory with roof opened to the North
Dave & telescope:
RiDK sitting proud!
Dave & telescope:
Shape of things to come!